Friday, March 12, 2010

what is she working on...

My daughter is home school for now, well is home school a strong word talking about learning of 4 year old? This is what she likes to do.....draw and copy letters and I love it!
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my daughter has thing for bunnies (ever since she saw last Mimzy) so for a while now we were working on this pattern by Ysolda was really simple and clever pattern and lots of fun .....but you know I have a 10 months old baby at home so I could only knit her when he was took forever to finish her, but she is here! Yay!
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

small change for March

So, March is here! I am thinking I should "green up" our diapering routine little more! We have been using some cloth diapers mostly around the house but this "hybrid" diaper use might not be enough, so let's explore and see what we can come up with! So far I have ordered prefold diapers from Green mountain diapers (I love them and I love the customer service!) and diaper covers and some pocket diapers from Jillian's drawers ( also amazing customer service). More about that later, I am really sick and both kiddies are asleep so I will go and steam myself in the shower!
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